Inkscape in Education

Inkscape 0.46 - Yellow Car
Inkscape 0.46 - Yellow Car (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
UPDATE: I'll be co-presenting with John Iglar at Learning 2.013, using Inkscape and Sozi.
Check here for resources and more details on John's page.

Speedgeeking quick intro to Inkscape and how it can be used as an intuitive introduction to some Math related concepts:
  • Geometrical operations: union, difference, intersection, exclusion...
  • Fractals, tessellations, patterns...
  • Bezier Curves Cubic Bezier Curve
    Bezier Curves Cubic Bezier Curve (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
  • Exploration of graphs of functions by moving control points of bezier curves.
It allows students (and teachers) to create art using concepts and skills that are very different from traditional art.


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