Investing Resources

This page is mostly for my own use, to keep track of interesting links and resources on passive, indexed investing. But I hope it helps someone out there!

Getting Started

First you need to know why:
  • If you like to watch some videos, these are great:
  • Moneychimp has two great introductory articles:
    • Why index?
    • Index funds and indexes - more thorough step-by-step introduction to basics, and guidelines for building a portfolio. Targeted at U.S. citizens, but lots of useful information there.
  • Papers and research backing up this approach:
The resources below start with basics, but also go into the process of investing itself:


Useful links on more specific topics.

Taxes for U.S. citizens living abroad

Since I'm not one, these are just handy links but I can't really promise more than a "best effort" here:

Fee-based Financial Advisors

According to Andrew Hallam on his blog, here are some fee-based (and hence more trustworthy) advisors:

I will update this page semi-frequently, so come back again!
And let me know anything you want to add or correct in the comments!
